Recommendations for Permanent Pacing in Children, Adolescents, and Patients With Congenital Heart Disease

Class I
(1) Permanent pacemaker implantation is indicated for advanced
second- or third-degree AV block associated with symptomatic bradycardia, ventricular dysfunction, or low cardiac output.

(2) Permanent pacemaker implantation is indicated for SND with correlation of symptoms during age-inappropriate bradycardia. The definition of bradycardia varies with the patient's age and expected heart rate.

(3) Permanent pacemaker implantation is indicated for postoperative advanced second- or third-degree AV block that is not expected to resolve or that persists at least 7 days after cardiac surgery.

(4) Permanent pacemaker implantation is indicated for congenital third-degree AV block with a wide QRS escape rhythm, complex ventricular ectopy, or ventricular dysfunction.

(5) Permanent pacemaker implantation is indicated for congenital third-degree AV block in the infant with a ventricular rate less than 55 bpm or with congenital heart disease and a ventricular rate less than 70 bpm.

Class IIa
(1) Permanent pacemaker implantation is reasonable for patients with  congenital heart disease and sinus bradycardia for the prevention of recurrent episodes of intra-atrial re-entrant tachycardia; SND may be intrinsic or secondary to antiarrhythmic treatment.
(2) Permanent pacemaker implantation is reasonable for congenital
AV block beyond the first year of life with an average
rate less than 50 bpm, abrupt pauses in ventricular rate that are
2 or 3 times the basic cycle length, or associated
with symptoms due
to chronotropic incompetence.

(3) Permanent pacemaker implantation is reasonable for sinus
bradycardia with complex congenital heart disease with a resting heart rate less than 40 bpm or pauses in ventricular rate longer than 3 seconds.

(4)  Permanent pacemaker implantation is reasonable for patients with
congenital heart disease and impaired hemodynamics due to sinus      bradycardia or loss of AV synchrony.

(5) Permanent pacemaker implantation is reasonable for unexplained
syncope in the patient with prior congenital heart surgery complicated by transient complete heart block with residual fascicular block after a careful evaluation to exclude other causes of syncope.

Class IIb
(1) Permanent pacemaker implantation may be considered for
transient postoperative third-degree AV block that reverts to sinus rhythm with residual bifascicular block.

(2) Permanent pacemaker implantation may be considered for
congenital third-degree AV block in asymptomatic children or adolescents with an acceptable rate, a narrow QRS complex, and normal ventricular function.

(3) Permanent pacemaker implantation may be considered for
asymptomatic sinus bradycardia after biventricular repair of congenital heart disease with a resting heart rate less than 40 bpm or pauses in ventricular rate longer than 3 seconds.

Class III
(1) Permanent pacemaker implantation is not indicated for transient
postoperative AV block with return of normal AV conduction in the otherwise asymptomatic patient.

(2) Permanent pacemaker implantation is not indicated for
asymptomatic bifascicular block with or without first-degree AV block after surgery for congenital heart disease in the absence of prior transient complete AV block.

(3) Permanent pacemaker implantation is not indicated for
asymptomatic type I second-degree AV block.

(4) Permanent pacemaker implantation is not indicated for
asymptomatic sinus bradycardia with the longest relative risk interval less than 3 seconds and a minimum heart rate more than 40 bpm.